The club has confirmed today that Deputy Captain Patrice Evra has left the club and signed for Juventus.
It's hard to believe that it has been 8 years since we all looked on in amazement as Evra made that horror show of a debut against City. At the time, one would have been certified insane if they thought Pat would finish his United career a club legend.

5 league titles, a European Cup and and a World Club Cup to go with a trio of League Cup successes make for a very successful career. Pat was THE LEFT BACK in arguably United's most successful period in history. At the peak of his powers, he was the world's best left back, a claim he held on to for at least 3 years. He made it vrtually needless for United to purchase another top quality left back, if only for the fact that he had an incredible record of fitness.

His departure means that the club has lost 3 of its captains in one transfer window, 4 if you count Giggs. It remains to be seen whether the young guard of Smalling, Jones, Evans can step up to the plate or whether LVG will seek to add established cover from the market. Ultimately, the decision is his, but what can no longer be in doubt is that next term, United will be born anew.
